How do you start with your subscription?

At Nrdevo we try to help you to be successful, So in this article, we will explain to you how you can get your copy Remember that this applies to all plans, except for the free plan for students and teachers, and the custom plan has a different method.
Create your account
If you do not have an account, create it by filling out the form from here, then check the link via email and log in to your account.
Fill in your data
For the invoice to be issued to you on your request, regardless of the type of plan you have, we need your basic information, which you will find in your account

We also need the invoice address, which you can fill out from the Addresses tap and by clicking on the plus icon

This will open a pop-up dialogue to help you add a new address

Choose your plan
After filling out the required information, go to the Plans tab, where you will find all the available plans

After you have determined which plan is right for you, click on the start plan button under every plan

You will be redirected to the cart where you can review your plan and your info

If there is something that needs to be modified, you will find an edit link next to each one of them. Click on it to edit. Otherwise, click on Complete Payment. Learn more about payment methods.
Then add the card and complete the payment.
Get your copy
The system will create a copy for you after you complete the payment process and you will find it in your email,
So try to keep this email
out of spam