System Updates: New features and general improvements

This month's update includes additional features and general improvements, as follows:
Send Contact Us Form by email
To ensure that you receive updates when someone fills out the Contact Us form, on Contact us list App, we have add
Contact us settings with the ability to enable sending of messages via email and specify which email to send to.

You should be careful about enabling this feature as if your site gets a lot of contact form submissions it can consume emails quickly which will prevent important emails from arriving, such as "new login, forgot password, etc." Read more about it here.
New keyboard shortcuts
In order to improve the user experience,
we have provided additional keyboard shortcuts
that can be used when creating, editing a new,
existing (blog, page). So now you can convert text to bold, italic, underlined, link all by using shortcuts. There are also other shortcuts that work directly in the editor.
Improve metadata
Metadata has become more efficient, and works on many social media or what is called the concept of SMO - social media optimization. By looking at the image, you will find how your post will look when published on social media.
Layout Source:
Update permissions property
The permissions have been reviewed and reorganized to reduce user confusion, so many permissions that confuse users have been removed. They are as follows:
- upload_one_file_at_time
- delete_one_file_at_time
- delete_all_files
- upload_many_files_at_time
More in this update
- When a user deletes his account after writing a comment, creating a page or blog, this content will remain and the author of this comment will be converted to a name (deleted user) without a profile page. This is to protect the site owners from losing their content, as the content will always be under the management of the cms administrators to deal with it, but we would like to give users the ability to protect their rights by being able to delete their account at any time. Of course, all of this is up to the cms owner, as he must activate the option of allowing users to delete their accounts or not.
- The username on all pages is now clickable and goes to the user's account.